Vaguely Marvellous

By Benelia

Late Afternoon Light

Honestly, I only took 5 photos today. All were of the shadows of the gate on the wall, really not that exciting. But I have still managed to waste last 20 minutes gripped by indecision: this one of the wall and the shadow, or the other one of the gate and the wall and the shadow....I wonder, could it have anything to do with the fact that I have just 5 more exam scripts to mark?....I have always suffered from finish-itis*.

After a sleepless night worrying about work, I finally got up at 4 am and wrote a very long to do list. Then I broke that down into daily to-do lists for the week, went back to bed and slept like a baby until 9.00. Today I will (when I have finished the above 5 bits) have done everything on my to-do list for today. I am very pleased with myself!

*finish-itis = inability to finish anything. Have no trouble starting, just can't complete the job.

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