Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Barcelona Framed

A frustrating day: the guy came to deliver my 'repaired' ipad mini with the screen replaced for the 2nd time. He hooked it up to my itunes and then asked if we'd be ok about letting it 'do its thing' for the next 45' mins or so. He said he'd checked it last night twice to make sure it was responding correctly to touch, so we stupidly said yes.  When we had to enter passwords, agree to things etc, it was crystal clear that it STILL wasn't working and it almost had a life of its own, with the screen 'trembling' and things opening and closing of their own accord. And then there's the whole password nightmare. It was asking for the password that was used to set up the original ipad. What??!!  Anyway, another call back and this time he got a techie colleague to come back and pick it - 3rd pick up since Monday now. We're assured it will be back tonight by 9pm in working order. 

An appointment with our 'assessores' who help us with tax related stuff (and get paid a not insignificant amount every month for the pleasure) looked surprised to see us at our agreed appointment this afternoon at 4.30pm. This is when I started to roll my eyes outloud very loudly, resulting in a shuffling behind the scenes, apologies, and, to be honest, better service than we usually get.  We now have another appointment for next week, in both diaries, and we'll all be prepared for it.  We stopped for a coffee before heading back home to tackle more tasks while waiting for the delivery of my ipad. Let's hope this doesn't involve more outloud rolling of eyes as I have a full on day of work outside of Barcelona tomorrow and my working ipad would be really really useful.  Blip's taken out the window of our coffee stop. 

Update:  Ipad delivered back and when, with the guy here, we tried to put the password in, we had the same problem.  The guy clearly didn't know how to fix it and admitted that, so we decided to cut our losses, take our money back and start all over again. Why didn't he test it properly before bringing it back??  The thing is, it was all working fine with a cracked screen before we had it replaced......three times.   Ho hum. 

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