
By RobSmallshire


We're out of the house by 7:30. Jacob heads off on his bike to meet his classmates at the cycle park to learn about road safety.

It even hotter today at 31ºC, though I'm oblivious in my windowless training room. The class unfolds as planned, just as a it should.

The drive home is mostly autonomous. I'm thankful. There is stop-go traffic on the motorway of the most dangerous kind. which mixed with a tired driver, is a dangerous cocktail. Let the tireless computer do the work.

I get home at six, and find Jacob with his friend Casper. Freya is out with Nora. Casper needs to go home, so I send Jacob to retrieve Freya. After dinner with the kids, Liz arrives back from Stavanger. We bathe the kids. I mop the kitchen floor. Liz talks to a man on the 36th floor of a skyscraper in Manhattan about pending transfers of funds. We catch up on each other lives, and plan tomorrow.

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