Life through the lens...

By ValC

Just passing by!

What a dull, foggy morning, and we slept in!!

We didn't fancy another boggy walk over the moors, so headed for the Aire and Calder Navigation canal at Thwaite Mills , about 2 miles from Leeds city centre.

We arrived about 12.30 and as the mill didn't open until 1pm decided to do the walk along the Trans Pennine trail first.
This took us along the path between, with the river on the left, and the canal on the right.
The fog did clear a bit, but it was cold and damp, and so we were glad we had got well wrapped up.
A lovely walk, with lots to see.There are stll plenty of Autumn colours.
Quite a lot of birds too, including Goosanders, cormorants, coots,mallards,teal,swans,and herons.

It was also nice to see this boat, quite a large one at that, going through two locks.
The canal was built in 1704, but rebuilt in 1835 to take larger boats from Goole into the centre of Leeds.

What amazed me was to see this heron stood at the edge, and never moved while the boat was passing.
I took my new camera along today, and this photo was taken with the max. zoom.
(Still trying to get the hang of it. Not very good with closeups)

We ended up walking 6 miles, and when we got back to the Mills they were just about to close, so that visit will have to wait for another day.
You don't realise that it gets dark so soon now!

Back home to a nice warming cup of tea and some gingerbread!
Sounds like another night of fireworks outside!

Hope you have all enjoyed your weekend too.

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