
By AlrightFlower

It's oh so quiet, it's oh so still...

Seems like the neighbourhood has bedded down for the day after the giddiness of bonfire Saturday - I've not seen a soul walk past the house today. Haven't been outside myself either, sure it's cold enough inside haha.

Pootled round the house all day, tidied up the bathroom and put the essentials back in there, had a bit of a tidy round generally (well, except the craft area of the spare bedroom, obviously, since I'll need a full weekend to even be able to see the desk top...).

Heating on for most of the weekend - not a luxury I permit myself often, but at the start of winter the cold just seems to bite that bit more!

The mother of pearl disc is a part of a piece of wall art I saw in Lincoln a few years ago, and I instantly fell in love with it. Went back to the shop three times before I bought it (well it was expensive!!), then had to drive my car into the centre of Lincoln to pick it up - the lady in the shop fortunately gave good directions. I've since seen smaller, cheaper versions of it, but mine's the best :-) There are four or five different colours, and they catch the light differently at different times of the day. It's a neverending kaleidoscope!


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