La vida de Annie

By Annie


These two doors, not far from each other, sum up Liverpool for me; the contrasting grandeur and dilapidation, both interesting. The one on the right leads into the home and photographic studio of Edward Chambre Hardman and his beloved wife Margaret, who created many iconic images in the 1950s of actors and local views. Their darkroom skill was akin to the current-day use of Photoshop to correct and enhance the shots taken. The building is now owned and run by the National Trust, and is more-or-less how it was when it was when the Hardmans lived there. Despite the posh frontage (for the customers) it is quite scruffy and lived-in (there is even a chest of huge studio light-bulbs in the cellar), as the couple lived for their work, their social life and getting out on into the country on their bicycles (still inside). Good for them.
I have no information about the other doorway, and can't even remember the address, as it was a quick snap before escaping the rain. I'll bet it has a story or two to tell though, and would love to see inside.

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