
By cakescakescakes

Meet the neighbours!

A trip to the cinema in Aviemore was today's mission.
Dog walk first of course! Just over the fence at the back of our house and then there's a great big field for much daft running. As we headed back to the house our neighbours spied us and let their girls out to have a wee play with the boys. The dogs have always got on really well together and there was much sniffing, running and tail wagging! D and S very kindly visit our dogs if we have to be out for long spells during the day and we, of course, return the favour when required.
Then it was a quick trip to Aviemore to see Skyfall. So exciting to be able to go to films rated 12!! No more U or PG or with only animated characters. Thoroughly enjoyed the film and we had some hysterically uninformed commentary from a couple behind us that obviously get to the cinema even less than us!

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