
I've always been one of those people for whom the knowing is important, equally there are never enough hours in the day.

Built the last of the rabbit proof fences for the strawberry bed today, aired and dried four tents, wrote DofE reports, ran invoices and did some well earned pottering about . Then this evening passed my annual Community First Responder reassessment. Never in question, but any assessment is always a little tense. Was a little miffed to forget Carbon Monoxide poisoning is now one of the 9 critical illnesses - there were only 7 when we trained.

During a bit of that pottering about I found this little fellow in the grass. I know he's from the Noctuidea family, which is good, and I think he way well be a Silver Y, but as there are 360 members of it, I might be wrong.
Sometimes we have to settle for what we know and marvel at what we don't.

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