The first one
Flower Friday: Love in the Mist
I've always liked Love in the Mist, and today this was waiting for me when I got home after a long and at times stressful day. What a lovely present :-)
In other news, its been a funny old day. I had a significant negotiation to deal with in Andover, so got suited and booted for work this morning. On a normal day I have taken to wearing (smart) jeans into the office if I have no meetings.
As I was getting ready to go I noticed that my black work shoes looked as though they needed a polish. When I got the shoe cleaning box out and rummaged through to find the black cherry blossom I noticed that Cathy had bought some expensive looking black shoe restoring cream. I'm not sure what possessed me, but I decided that my black work shoes needed a little more TLC than normal in preparation for the Big Meeting.
However, when I went to apply the shoe cream a black liquid sprayed almost everywhere. My suit trousers escaped, but my white shirt looked as though I was auditioning for a role in the 101 Dalmatians. The shirt came off and went in to soak immediately whilst I set to work to save the utility room work surfaces. Fortunately all is now well, but things had not started well.
Horrendous traffic, heavy downpours and a broken mug bring you up to date with the saga. On the plus side its been an enjoyable if tiring day. The negotiation went as well as it reasonably could and the views as I drove over Salisbury plain in the torrential downpours were spectacular. I might have been tempted to try to photograph them but I wasn't going to try standing in that downpour even with a waterproof and umbrella in the car. I had only just cleaned my shoes after all, and I didn't want to get them all wet and dirty...
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