Bathing beauty

One of my absolute favourites is again nesting in one of the birdhouses of our backyard: the pied flycatcher. Taking his morning bath as I had woken up at 7am.

I felt quite good today, first time in weeks no particular need to gough too much... As all the youngsters were coming home for the weekend and I really wanted to get rid of the viruses and bacterias of the house, I slowly cleaned the home todaym I even steamed the floors... Changed all the bedlinens also, then took a lazy afternoon. 

My daughter and the boyfriend came in evening train. Nice to see her feeling so fit already after this plaque of hers lately.

I wish that I soon am ok too. Antibiotics seem to do their job!

In the evening we saw a rain cloud, it even gave few drops, but not enough to moisture the ground at all.


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