
By SLPlearning

Fish Out of Water

Heard so often from many practitioners that adult learners aren't ready to do that yet-they need more time. 

After years of experience of working with adult learners I've found that the best thing to do is ask them if they'd like to help. If you have a good relationship they'll tell you when they think ' I'm not quite ready' , but mostly because they trust you have their best interests at heart, they'll know you believe in them. Usually that's enough to help them find that extra courage.

Great political leaders can give them that reassurance too-but my inner voice tells me to always trust people and that they know what they feel they can do - it hasn't let me down yet.

So Learners' Forum - let's make moves today to make a better future for all Adult Learners in Scotland #TimeforChange #adultlearningmatters -do we need a strategy for adult learning- I await your advice.

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