Birthday Beauties

A ridiculously full but good day...
- visiting a friend's new restaurant first thing.
- supermarket shop.
- saying bye to Danny who's off to Edinburgh this weekend.
- post school picnic with the kids.
- home for baths.
- back out and up to Mac Donald's for a birthday party for Amparo from Sa Penya.
- home from that via a churches together event in a local plaza.
- home from that via Nude to say hi to Amanda.
- back via a late night supermarket to pick up the things I'd forgotten earlier in the day!
- we got back in about 10pm...phew!

Drama of the day;
Some very sad news from friends here.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A really lovely start to the day with Danny. Lovely to have a bit of time together.
2) Nate's delight at his Mac Donald's balloon.
3) Seeing so many familiar faces from different churches at the event this evening.

Also just realised Amparo's pose! The 'v'' this way round isn't rude here!

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