The collage shows the courtyard gate four ways! When we arrived the side gate was a single wrought iron gate. I loved it, but it left us exposed to the world, and we wanted some privacy. My friend Colin came and put a piece of wood behind the wrought iron gate. Perfect. It looked lovely, but gradually paint blistered, and latches rusted, so we did the right thing and bought a new gate. Personally I don’t like it quite as much but practically it needed doing. What to do with the wrought iron gate? Oh look, it fits at that awful side bit beside the gargage where the weeds grow prolifically! So, still in use and as soon as I get to a garden centre I will buy a tall pot and put a plant in behind it.
A full day of cleaning, gardening and preparations for Alan and Anita coming. Guitars are all strung, amps checked, bring on the 70s Kirk revival!!
Julia’s birthday. She would have been 61. I miss you every day Looby Lou
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