I do like frogs

I don’t think I’ve shared this before and I’m not sure if I should now, but here goes.
I’ve always thought we can be changed significantly by events that don’t seem to be that important at the time.
So it is with frogs
I’ve always liked them and as a boy, I collected tadpoles and watched them grow until they were released as froglets.
But, about fifty years ago, I was at university studying physiology I think. One day we were in the lab and the lecturer was talking about reflexes. She picked up a live frog, stuck a pair of scissors in its mouth and cut its spinal cord then demonstrated that it still had reflexes. This was to show us that not all reflexes are controlled by the brain.
Why couldn’t she just tell us? I would have believed her.
And I am still haunted a bit by the look on her face. That of a mad scientist enjoying herself.
Since then, I have been very much against pointless animal experiments.
There are about four million experiments carried out on animals in the UK each year, many of which involve suffering. Many are repetitive, pointless and unproductive.
On a more cheerful note, this frog is one of about four in our little pond. Because of the dry weather, I have had to fill the pond up twice already this year. Last year, I never had to fill it!!!
P.S. I never did pass physiology!!

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