River of Flowers

By doffy

Saturday: @BeaumarisRNLI Lifeboat Day #Anglesey

And a perfect day for it!!
Blip is of the seagulls on the prom going crazy because all the crabs caught in the competition were being thrown back into the Strait - free meal for the seagulls and a lot of screams from the tourists!!
The lifeboat in the background is the J W Archer ...
Lots of lovely friends visited our stalls inside the lifeboat house and were very generous with their spending. My little jewellery stall made over £57 :-))
Very long day and very tired but a lot of fun.
I've added a couple of extra photos: 2 of the lifeboats making some surf and the rescue demo with the air ambulance.
Lovely FaceTime with our little granddaughter and her Mam and Dad this evening :-))) xxx

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