sibling love

Last night was pretty standard for a pregnant type I suppose... but I wasn’t thrilled! I got up at 2.30 to put aching legs in the bath in the hope that I’d sleep easier afterwards. When I returned to bed I was promptly joined by Master Zeke who announced he was joining us but would not be sleeping on Daddy’s pillow as Daddy is apparently too hot. He then asked me to shuffle around every hour so that he could find himself a nice cool part of the mattress.... I introduced him to the concept of flipping your pillow to the cold side and his tiny mind was of course blown by the sheer awesomeness of it all. And then all too soon Eve had shown up too and the day was upon us. Much yawning on my part.

But we had a productive day of car shopping with the help of Julian. The badger damage has helped us take the plunge and get a 7 seater which we’ll collect next week. The children are delighted they’ll have a car “with a very back”. I’m delighted I won’t have to sit in between two child car seats post-birth while Miss Eve luxuriates in the front. I hope someone soon invents safe car seats which fit in normal cars as otherwise everyone with more than two children will be driving buses.

Tonight Zeke has been leading me round the house by the belt on my dress and referring to me as his donkey. It was endearing and I now believe he’d make a very good donkey keeper... but it didn’t do much for my self esteem.

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