horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Viking Gin

Bit of running about first thing. My mum had arrived last night before meeting a friend today for a show in the evening, so I started by running her into town, and then on to their hotel.

Main part of the day spent at Summerhall at the Juniper Festival. Not quite as big as when we went a couple of years back, and they've instigated an odd 'token' system to get drinks other than the sample tastes. But hey, there was gin. Including Bareksten, made by Stig Bareksten in Bergen. Proper Viking, with some cool 'dark' branding, playing on the dark Nordic tales. And the beard.

Spent some time with the chooks in the garden later. Always feels odd when the flock is reduced. Then off to the park briefly in the rain (basically thinking it would therefore be quieter), and a nice ten minutes watching the Heron hunting minnows, before he snaffled a big eel (in the extras, love the second with the eel wrapping round his head).

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