
By Houseonahill6

Wear it Wild

A great day out with the Brownies and Rainbows at a Wear It Wild event at Killearnan.
A lovely day so Mike and myself headed out early and went to Redcastle for half an hour.So peaceful and we watched house martins collecting mud and returning to their nest site.
Mike dropped me off ,I met up with the other leaders and waited for the girls to arrive. We then had a fun packed day filled with lots of things to do and make including soap making, making bugs in a matchbox, suncatchers and more.
During the afternoon Janet came along with her gorgeous Bengal cat who was very patient with the girls and prowled around the room exploring.
Outside to meet the ferrets. All the girls had a chance to hold one, and the leaders too :) Ferret racing added to the fun and laughter :)
Once the girls had all been collected and the traffic jam cleared Mike collected me and we went for a restoring walk at the Brahan Estate.The Azalas and rhododenruns were all in full bloom and smelt wonderful.Patches of bluebells were still looking good, gradually disappearing among the grass and other vegetation.

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