The Big 500, ...yay me!

Well I was gona do 500 of this or 5oo of that but neither worked out. I probably took 5oo pictures trying to figure it out ... just kidding ... not really. I really should of been here a while ago but I fell off the blip planet since September because of the start and craziness of school. I think what I love most about blip besides the friendships is that it makes me look for the beauty each day. The one thing I do need to do going forward is to branch out of my little subscribed world and meet more friends. So that is my blip resolution, you know, kinda like a New Years resolution. So if you stopped by Daunti's world for the first time ... Hello and thanks for stopping by, would love to be blip friends with you. To my blip family, love having you a part of Daunti's world and love being a part of your world.

So here you have it, (a little out of focus, but I like it) me and my little camera that took the 5oo photo's...I thought it very appropriate for the day. Maybe Santa will bring me a big girl camera for Christmas...hint, hint... doing what I do with what I got.

Can't wait to get my two little red balloons :) ...

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