
By Shutterup

Look who's here!

With gardens and all their beauty at this time of year come the most magnificent beasts and mini beasts.  This little mini beast is the smaller version of one l found a couple of days ago.  Needless to say the plant is fast disappearing as more and more of these Mullein moth caterpillars hatch out.  The caterpillar l found two days ago is now approximately and inch and a half long whereas this one is only about half an inch long.  I used my iphone macro lens to capture this and am rather pleased with the result.

We have had a lovely weekend with our eldest daughter coming home for the night and a well travelled niece and her parents joining us for a barbecue last night to share some of her travel tales.  It seems to be all the rage to take 6 months out of work (aged nearly 30) to travel then slot back in to the old job... lucky girl.  Another scorching day.. playing ping pong in the garden and swigging ice cold drinks.. hooray for summer!!

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