Playing life by ear.

By Crazyoldbird

Graft 2018

This is the third year in a row that I've beeen tying to graft the olive trees. Some of them are of an ancient type that produced tiny olives a few weeks earlier than largher varieties. 
Many farmers have ripped out the old trees and replaced them with other varieties, but my take is that if these old trees have survived for so long in this territory, they have a right a right to stay so I am grafting new species on them. Easier said than done. The first year, 2 grafts succeeded, the second year, three and this year about ten, so I'm very pleased with myself.
Great expectations for Italy's new government. We are expecting organised crime and corruption to take a direct hit.
The Titch said that he has everything except height and L  desperately wants to know how to stop growing taller as he reckons he is tall enough and wants to widen!

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