Three half-walks.

Gaffer and I decided we really ought to get more fresh-air/exercise.
The dis-used Rly line from Threlkeld towards Keswick is grand, coz it's "Clart-free" and fairly flat. There's always a however, likes a change now and then.
We had a trip in the general direction of Lacey's caves recently. Exceeding clarty with all this year's rain and when you're only 5'4" the styles can be a bit of a challenge.

Ooer Bwoy, alias "The Man" suggested a walk along the river, near Askham church. That was the 3rd half walk.

It's so long since I've been in that neck o' the woods that we stopped at a church with half a doz or so cars nearby.
1.Our only obvious(?) route was signed "Public Footpath" and headed off up hill.
2. It headed off uphill with nary a river in sight.
3. The Footpath sign was nicely hidden behind some low branches which probably appeared long after the sign.
4. 50yds or so along the "path" (Groove in the grass) there came a style which would almost have taxed me, let alone "Shorthouse".
Ignored style troddled off a bit farther up hill, gave and returned to car..... BUGGER wrong church.

Second half walk.
1. Found Askham church and a number of parked cars at the head of a lane.
2. Snuggled in among them and set off down the only, obvious, track ... WRONG, it lead to a riverside dwelling with no way past.
3. Back to car.

Third half walk.
While still at the car I spotted another, likely, sign.
1. Down to likely sign... "PUBLIC FOOTPATH" right so far, except it was a bit prior to the river bank and into the churchyard.
2. Into churchyard and again uphill, steadily away from river.
3. Got to top of churchyard. At no point on route where river was visible was there anything resembling a path on the other side of the river, between what looked like a steep bank/cliff and the water.
4. Give up, go to car, do not pass go, do not collect £200, or whatever the current going rate is.

On the way back we met "an old lass" who put us right for next time.

On the way out we saw the Lakes' Fells snow clad and on the way back I got this shot of  the "East Fell side".
It may be the earliest snow I remember, but my memory has been senile from I was about 20.

After I'd removed all the black specks I noticed they were birds, so I put 'em back.

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