It's life, Jim

By BoxBootley

Good and Bad

I've been trying to improve my mental health lately and I've noticed that it's just been deteriorating since I finished University and had little to occupy my mind on. I tried to pick up reading again, and will keep continuing to try, but at the moment I can't focus my mind on it enough to really get into a deep book. I've been reading "Blankets" on and off (per chapter) and it's still a great one to read. Richard recently switched at work to helping "Mental Health Foundation" and he brought home a little booklet called "Good mental health for all" which is the main focus and purpose of this post.

The good and bad.

I decided I'd use the 10 ideas they have in the booklet to say a good and a bad thing I do about each thing to try remind myself that even when I'm not 100% at something, there's always a little piece of me that is good at the same thing. Or that there's always room to improve. It probably won't work for me but I'm trying everything I can. 

10 Ways to Look After Your Mental Health. 
1. Talk About Your Feelings
I'm aware of how much I struggle to do this and how few people I have in close-range so I always write anything down in a journal. That way I'm not fully keeping it bottled in and I've had the chance to express the emotions whether it is to a person or not. 
I don't know how to tell anyone how I'm doing. I don't know how to emotionally connect with my family as I feel most of my problems are irrelevant in comparison to their daily life and I can't help but feel judged by them, despite their constant kindness (mostly) and help in certain situations. My family are relatively gossip-y and I don't think I can talk to them knowing that. My partner is also tough to speak to as I already burden him enough just being who I am. He spends all his time either at work or on his game and I don't want to say something that might make him leave the game when he's enjoying himself so much. So I just don't say anything. Even if it's a memory making me sad that he already knows I just leave it because it's less important than his happiness. 

2. Eat Well
Just recently I've been avoiding any bad eating choices. I've cut down the number of snacks I have and I've even managed to buy snacks and save them without the urge to eat them all. I've also incorporated sea-kelp into my diet which will hopefully help my metabolism and speed up the weight loss. 

Both today and yesterday I have been extremely depressed and in pain and have avoided eating anything properly. I've had a few bites of food and gave up completely, skipped meals and ate snack-food instead of proper meals. 

3. Drink Sensibly
I've almost completely cut out sugary drinks from my diet, with the exception of a few here and there. In comparison to my previous "addiction" of them, I basically don't drink them at all now. I've moved onto water, tea and ice tea and it feels a lot better and less syrup-y to drink. I've also restricted alcohol to Sundays and even on Sundays, if I do have a drink, it won't be too many.

When I'm sad about something that was my fault I completely ignore my diet and do the exact opposite of what I want to do. 

4. Keep in Touch
I try to stay in touch with two of my best friends from high school, even if it is only on social media. I also aim to check up on my partner every now and then while he's on his game so I don't feel too much of a burden being there the whole time.

I hardly talk to most of my family anymore and it's really upsetting as I love them and can't imagine them not being in my life. My mother responds to me a lot but the rest of them are really tough to talk to these days so I gave up trying completely. 

5. Keep Active
I've recently started exercising on the days Richard is at work, that way I know I do at least three decent days of exercise a week. 

Most other days I'm too depressed to even get out of bed and given my lack of things to do I don't. 

6. Ask for Help
Since A-Level Physics I've become excellent at asking for help with my education. I was recently struggling with a presentation and I asked my tutor non-stop for help and I managed to pass because of it. I no longer have the fear of not knowing how to do something in education. 

The above mostly stems in education and I fail to do this in most other places due to judgement or fear of being ridiculed. 

7. Take a Break
I know when I'm pushing myself too much and when to just stop working on something.

I either ignore the above, or take breaks for way too long and end up messing things up. I also NEVER take any proper "me-time" and end up stressing over things that aren't necessary. 

8. Do Something You're Good At
I don't really have anything for this one. 

I don't know anything that I'm good at. I have too much of an active mind and it never wants to stay doing one thing.

9. Accept Who You Are
Tiny boobs are ok.

The above is honestly the only thing I able to accept and even that was written in a stupid manner.

10. Care for Others
I love making everyone I know happy. I try to go out of my way to make sure everyone is feeling ok and not in pain or sick. I may not be good at doing it but I try so hard to make my closest people feel good whenever I can. Including my cat.

I never do the same for myself.

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