... with one eye open.

By Chamaeleo

St. James's Park: Red-crested Pochard Portrait

More handsome in large.

Back to St. James's Park for a photo amble with a v. good pal.

I tried to take different photos (i.e. not photograph the Ross's geese, cygnets, ducklings, &c.), and mostly succeeded, although not entirely, and I was sorely tempted to post an adorable pic., esp. the red-crested pochardling, or one of the little cygnets (washing, flappy dancing, or all seven together).
I was pleased with my bird portraits (inc. this red-crested pochard drake, a heron, and that of a Chiloe wigeon), some action shots (inc. a flapping black swan, mallards in formation flight), as well as some duck diving and resurfacing shots.

All the others are here (or right from large cootling)

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