
By beckie

snowy day... wooooo!

Woke up to a good few inches of proper snow this morning.
Ty's school like us to check for school closures on snowy days.... we did, there was no mention of his school being closed on the radio, or online, so we got ready as normal... then my friend rang me and said there were some signs up at the school saying it was closed today, so not to bother going in.....!

I tell ya... a few flakes of white stuff fall from the sky, and it's like the end of the world is coming! No one go out....!! careful!!!
I don't remember it being like this when i was younger, am sure we just wrapped up, put on our wellys and got on with it!!

Still, me and Ty have had a lovely morning making the most of the wintery weather, we went for a long walk, had snowball fights, and built a very odd looking snowman in our front carpark with our friends.... mr snowman's head has now fallen off! oooopsie!

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