A Monkey's Tale

By MonkeyWithAView

A Run In The Sun

With the 18km Spartan 'Beast' Race looming two weeks today, it's about time I took running a little bit more serious.

And so after a leisurely morning, watching the rain & wind stream & whistle by outside, I decided to brave it & with my still muddy, unwashed trainers from the Zombie Race last weekend in hand, I trundled into town. I'm getting a little tired of the same run near our house & it isn't really long enough either. I parked up near where we used to live & made a quick start as even thought the sun had decided to show, it was still very breezy & a little on the chilly side.

This is a shot from that I grabbed on my route that took my all over the shop, bringing back lots of fond memories from when I used to live in the area. Good times.

We Sunday lunched at our local Indian Restaurant, the Radjutt, & I nearly blipped a snap of my all-you-can-eat buffet plate, a beautiful sight it was to behold (I think I earned it after my hour long run & it was very tasty).

Jenny was back today too after her weekend away at a friends hen doo - woop! She had a fab time, but was a little tender when she got back this afternoon & sorely in need of a nap.

Speaking of which, nap time now for Monkey. Nighty night blippers.

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