Madrid - D34

Back in Sevilla after our 3-day excursion to Madrid.  That barely gave us a flavor for a city that has many things to offer, but we did hit some highlights, including the Prado yesterday (no photos allowed) and the Reina Sofia contemporary art museum today. 

I'm a fan of contemporary art, so I wish I could've spent more time there, taking in the works of Picasso (including the original Guernica), Miro, and Dali among others. Our guide was wonderfully erudite in explaining the various art movements and how they evolved from one another (happy to report the French had a big influence! That makes up for Napoleon wrecking havoc on Spain...) ;)  A truly delightful experience, which I highly recommend to anyone visiting Madrid.

In the few hours left before taking the train back to Sevilla, we stopped at Plaza Mayor - a bustling place though mainly for tourists, and the Mercado de St Miguel -- an upscale market full of millennials, cervecerias, and all manner of delightful bites.

We caught lunch on a side street (view of the other side is the main blip) at a 'meson' owned by a friend of our group leader. Good food, good company. And off we went on the high-speed train back to our temporary home. 

Tomorrow starts my last week here; by this time next week, I'll be back States side.  Time does fly...

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