
By Beewriter


Tonight is the final of BGT and the B POSITIVE choir has got through on a wildcard. All the choir members either suffer from sickle cell anaemia or have family members who do. People who suffer need regular blood transfusions and they have been wonderful in promoting blood donations. We at NHSBT are very proud of them and have supported them all the way and we have our fingers, toes and eyes crossed for them tonight!

It was a busy day at the fire station today. Even though we could have the big fire doors open it was very warm and lots of donors felt faint. People just don't drink enough water and it is imperative that they drink more than usual, especially in this heat. We turned a few people away as they hadn't drunk enough....most understood that we had their best interest at heart, but a couple got very angry and one even accused us of wanting to go home early. The trouble is veins are just flat if they aren't hydrated and if we put a needle in and the donation fails then we've wasted a blood pack that costs over eighty pounds. We are constantly trying to educate our donors.....

Right......come on the B POSITIVES!!!!!!

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