
By Susana

That's Me

My daughter, Andie, took my picture today for the About Me page of my website.

I had never noticed that I'm starting to get fairly deep wrinkles under my eyes! 49 next Thursday and not looking a day younger.

I guess I had better develop a personal philosophy of detachment fairly quickly, and embrace the whole wise woman, revered old member of the community jazz because let's face it, that stuff is easy to parrot when you're young and your skin is taut, but when it starts sagging, hysteria begins to set in. I need to really believe it.

And, c'mon. I just don't want to be that woman looking at plastic surgery ads. It is just so not me. Nobody should have to do that.

Andie did a good job with this fairly wide angle of view. My face looks huge, which is probably why I noticed the wrinkles! :-)

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