Choose Joy

By Energia

Monopod walking sticks and security

A nice thing about walking your dog with a monopod is that if a dog attacks yours you have something to hit it with. No one was injured. I think everyone was surprised, including the other dog's owner who wasn't expecting his dog to attack, never mind slide out of its collar. The other dog was surprised. I think I was surprised at how quickly I hit the other dog. Unfortunately, I did lose a lens. At least it is not irreplaceable or prohibitively expensive. I did retrace all our steps when I realized it was gone, in the rain, and knocked on five different doors of total strangers to try to learn where the dog owner lived in case he saw it and picked it up. 

I decided five houses was enough and went home and changed into dry clothes and ordered a replacement. 

The extra picture is me and my dog, on my steps, with my phone aimed generally in our direction, on the monopod. 

Oh, and wonderful news. I am now published! My friend and her friend started a blog for creative writing. They publish once a month. She invited me to contribute photographs. I may sort of hate WordPress now for being so unintuitive but I love being able to say I'm published. :-)

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