Deutsches Eck, Koblenz, Germany

This is close to the confluence of the Rhine with the River Mosel in Koblenz.  A bright and beautiful afternoon!

AW was supposed to go day-tripping with me but we both woke up late and I wondered if he really wanted to.  I had to do some supermarket errands and fill up the tank, and he had his breakfast while I was out.  When I got back, it was my turn to eat, and then I prepared his coffee and my tea to take along.  He then asked where I was headed and I said I thought of Nassau.  He looked it up and decided it was too far for a long sit in the car.  I reminded him that we were going to take turns behind the wheel, but that was still far.  I asked him if he'd mind if I took off on my own and he said no.  Leaving him behind is never the nicest option, but he also wants me to have a good time.  He's a nice man, no?  And here I am, always trying to drag him along on my adventures ... haha!  I ended up leaving at about 13.20 and I had a feeling I wasn't going to Nassau.

Ended up in Koblenz.  Looked at the various distances listed along the A61 and decided that since I was alone again, I might as well go for something further.  Budenheim near Ingelheim was too much for a late afternoon, so 'settled' for Koblenz, and I was not disappointed.  Parked close to the schloss turned restaurant, wandered on the promenade along the Rhine, then took the cable car up to the fort but decided I didn't need to explore it (not a military fan).  After a short walk 'upstairs', went back down and explored the Deutsches Eck plus the St. Castor Basilica, which was built on what used to be a Roman temple (the whole of Koblenz rose from the site of a Roman settlement), then, on the drive back to the highway, stopped for another neo-Renaissance church.  All of 3.5 hours.  Had my banana in the car then cruised back home and was in by 23.20.

In the meantime, AW had gone to town and visited his homeopathic shop, and then back home to finish off the international darts tournament, national teams, on TV.  As we had hoped, The Netherlands won.  Not a bad day for either.  He had some food left and warmed it up while I processed my shots.  In between all that, a lot of catch-up chat.

THANK YOU for dropping by once in a while!  Some extras ...

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