
By kas18

Ultimate Triathlon

I swam in a relay at Whitchurch in Shropshire. It was a full Ironman distance relay. I swam 2.4 miles, cyclist 112 miles, runner 26.2 miles. We had five teams from our club competing. It’s was tough for the cyclists and runners in the heat. I had the easy and nicest job of the lake swim.
I was first lady out of the water. About 6 men in front of me. Very happy with that. I wanted to give my team a good start.
My team came second overall with a time of 11 hours and around 30 mins. We haven’t found out official time yet. We were beaten by one of our own teams who were truly awesome.
The excuse we made for not winning was that the combined age of the first team was 89. Our combined age was 160! So I think we did jolly well. All good fun.
It’s been a really great weekend. Helped by the weather of course.
I’ve loved every minute of it.
Even met a couple of old friends I haven’t seen for ages who live this way. That was so nice too.

*just noticed a balloon next to my comments. No idea what I’ve done.

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