
By maddogmagpie

Meadows Festival

At the meadows festival today - at which sadly I took no pictures whatsoever, so you will have to make do with this display in a florists on the way home.

This used to be pretty small scale when my kids were young. You could pop up, wander by the row of craft and general tat stalls, let them buy something with their pocket money, buy them a ice cream and head home.

It vanished for a while, but is back, and now pretty huge; with several music stages and enough street food stalls to feed a city.

There was a stall for some group calling themselves the Glasgow skeptics, who appear to view all modern science as a giant long con. I have the square root of eff all time for that particular brand of manure, so swerved the offer of free wine that was the only thing drawing anyone to their fetid nonsense.

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