
By RobSmallshire

Doing, doing, done.

Tired from darkless nights and a busy schedule I enter into the second day of a course we're running. Some of the attendees lack the experience to really get to grips with the material, so I find myself making up a lot of demonstrations, live and on the hoof, to help plug the gaps. They enjoy it, but it’s exhausting for me. I try to sparkle, and not show my fatigue.

At home, the lawnmower violently destroys itself. It sounds like a valve colliding with the piston. Terminal, I suspect. The robots are coming anyway, and it will be one less internal combustion engine in these parts. Recently, I’ve become aware just how much noise in the world is the result of internal combustion. The electric future will be quieter.

With the kids in bed, I turn to some admin. By ten o’clock I can barely read, so decide it’s enough for today. I’m grateful to be interrupted by our neighbour, Thomas, looking to borrow a 22 mm spanner to change the power-steering pump on his van. I have 20 mm and 24 mm. No use. He and his friend struggle on. There’s no rush. It won’t go dark tonight.

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