Our school has a great track at it, so all the elementary schools in the area use our school for their Track and Field meets. I was lucky to have a previous student arrive to compete! This young man spoke 'in numbers' when I first met him 6 years ago and our school board wanted to put him in a special classroom for severe behaviours. I stood my ground and convinced the parents to give him a chance as I felt I could break his code. All communication has meaning and once you learn what that meaning is, you can then teach how to communicate more effectively.
Anyway, it was a proud moment to see him compete against his peers in track. He placed a 1st, 2nd and a 3rd in his races. All I can say is, he always was a runner ; ) I adore that young man and am fortunate enough to still be included in his life. I think he will continue to amaze me as he gets older!
Cool day today but heat is on its way again. Time for me to get some sleep....
My holiday plans are shaping up...tomorrow I go book my flight to England : ))
D x
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