Aboriginal Sari

Wore this the whole day as a skirt, capped with a t-shirt.  Worked the whole day, AND night, at home.  I mean work-related work and not housework.  Two kinds of pressure -- the need to finish tasks + the need to relieve stress.  A most unpleasant combination, but I kept motivating myself with the reminder that the more tasks get done, the more time I'll have in the future.  AW very understandingly left me alone as I had requested as much silence as he could possible bear.  He ended up spending a lot of time in the garden, alternately gardening and meditating.  In the evening, he went to his Tuesday bridge and I allowed myself an hour for some NCIS LA.  They show the latest episodes on Tuesday evenings.  There was also some dishwashing and clearing up, but that was fine.  When we finally hit the sack at about 2 a.m., I went totally out in half a minute ... which was the idea anyway.

Tomorrow, our niece will go again to the Dutch embassy to present her papers again.  It didn't work out last week because I hadn't bought the ticket yet, so I did.  They simply want to see that she won't be hanging out here longer than she needs to.  I hope it all works out well.  We are confident ... but one never knows with these things.

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