Wilberforce Oak.....

A lovely walk with friends this morning, from Keston to Downe, across fields covered with buttercups! They looked even brighter in the sunshine which has returned after two dull days.

The spot here in the photo, is where William Wilberforce determined to campaign for the abolition of slavery. The original oak tree has been dead for many years but a new tree grew on the site. The bench gives great views over the countryside and is said to be where Wilberforce made his decision. 

It was here that William Pitt the Younger, who lived nearby, met with one William Wilberforce, member of parliament for Yorkshire, on 12 May 1787.  They talked beneath this oak tree, and Wilberforce decided to take action to abolish the slave trade.  His efforts led to the eventual introduction of the Slavery Abolition Act of 1833.

It's a great walk and we managed to fit in a coffee stop and a very light lunch too!

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