Living Dangerously

Pigeons love the pond. They come and splash and do pigeon things until we release Basil who chases them away or, more ominously, Len takes aim with his air pistol. They're sitting ducks when they sit on that rock.

Slept in until 8.30 am. Wow. Was able to have my morning tea sitting up in bed, the first time I've been able to sit up comfortably in bed since coming home. THEN, Basil and I caught the bus into Loughborough where I was able to climb the stairs to my hairdressers and have my hair done. Wonderful.

Daz recommended CBD oil to aid sleep. Len fell over himself when he discovered it cost £20 in Holland and Barrett. But I'm assured that two drops under the tongue is more than an adequate dose. 

To M&S to return a tunic blouse which looked like a sack on me and collect two pairs of trousers for the summer. I shall miss M&S not being in The Rushes. It's one of the stores scheduled for closure. And Geoff's Toys has gone too. That was an institution.

Bought a golden yellow glass vase in a charity shop. It was probably once a virgin olive oil bottle, perfect for showing off a single bloom. Once home, I chose a blue geranium and a couple of strands of jasmine which is once again taking over the patio, and photographed them in the vase against a golden background. I rather like it.

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