Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Jungle Bird

Not really.  Just messing with the look of my backyard.

I've had fun hosting monoMonday this week.  There were a wide variety of interpretations (I hoped the synonyms helped) and the entries were wonderful - many scrumptiously edible!  I decided to offer hearts to those I felt were a good representative of the various interpretations. So here goes...

fitzbilly for Bun In The Oven! (for making me chuckle...and congrats)
DonnaWanna for discovering some things were more difficult than they seemed (and making me chuckle, again)
lynnjones7186  for a terrific bird's-eye view and clever word play
Kd for a candid portrait of a woman baking in the south
...and two so similarly artful that I couldn't decide between them...
jensphotos    for her beautiful steamy pie for a good cause
 Sheol   whose buns have never looked so good (double entendre not intended)

Kudos also extend to...
Mole  for Baked, Toasted and Fried
Hanulli for demonstrating a unique cooking style
steveng for a close up tool of the trade
 stiffknees  for the anticipation of winter 'baking'

Thanks to everyone who participated.  I'm looking forward to next week!


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