Flat light
Another dreary day, weather-wise. I seem to have forgotten to talk about the torrential rain yesterday, and the frantic checking of previous leaks. All seems well. Least favourite job was videoing how water falls off a particular bit of roof for Mr B. That was a wet job.
Today, lots of progress on the collection of wood, foam and cloth that will one day be a sofa worthy of Henry VIII. Inevitably interrupted by pesky clients with more of that work stuff. And a possible new source of work; I fear they are really looking for someone better more senior, but I shall gird my loins, pretend to be the kind of confident person I sometimes wish I was, and see what happens.
Meanwhile, the rabbits have a new litter tray, CarbBoy had his severest haircut yet, I found some hugely discounted paint for my office, and that's about the level of things that count as newsworthy round here.
Here's some nearly-out lavender. The flower spikes seem much shorter this year - perhaps they've shrunk in the rain.
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