
By Mimi

Billie RIP

Too some cats and dogs are just a nuisance to some they are family and much more! Today is one of these days you want to crawl under a rock and not come out ever.... My sis who's visiting from Belgium and happens to be leaving today , woke me early sitting on my bed crying . Told me she found Billie dead in the hallway - poof. Gone just like that ! The weirdest thing is that each year my sister visits one of my animals dies within a week of her departure. Charlie Nov 2010, Mimi Nov 2011 , and today Billie - all a year apart! Nothing she did or does wrong she has pets herself, just an awful coincidence , I guess. I wonder sometimes If we had stayed in Europe 4 yrs ago if my animals would still have been a life . We grasp for anything when this happens ... Just can't accept his gone and that he died alone. Love you my Billie - the above blip is the best photo I took since blipping!

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