Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo


...so far!

The crows discovered the high feeder recently and have been emptying it faster than I can afford to fill it. Something had to be done!

The crows weren't very good at clinging to the sides of the cage holding the suet cake -- their modus operandi was to perch on top and lean over the side. Off I went to the Re Store in search of a conical chimney cover. I searched the jumble of stuff where such an item would logically be located, without success. On my way out of the warehouse, I passed a box of miscellaneous items with this chimney cover sitting on the top in plain view! 

While I was working on the installation, I noticed a crow watching me at one point. The next day one showed up, flew towards the feeder and did a last minute swerve away. After one more approach from a perch on the deck hand rail, it gave up and flew away. I think the news must have gotten back to Crow Town -- Cynthia saw one fly by today, completely ignoring the feeder. I'm not counting my chickens crows yet. 

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