Just floating

9.9C. Some cloud. A very quiet calm sort of day. Pink sky developing late afternoon.

Maeve the Deerhound and I went for our usual walk at our usual time. All round the walk the world seemed to be very quiet and calm and we hardly caught sight of anyone all the way round. Still mud on the road by the church, but it was drier today so easy to walk over. The field was dry today too. No boats to watch anywhere in the vista we could see as we walked down the field.

There weren't even any trains to break the peace as we walked along the cycle path and through the little field with the sheep and over the level crossing. There was a derailment North of Arbroath yesterday and no trains have run on the East coast line since. I believe that there may be trains before the day is out.

The tide was out quite far. Not a soul on the beach, and no one at the Fishermen's huts. Maeve and I wandered about on the beach and at the huts for a while like lost souls, picking up some Sea Glass and a couple of tiny pieces of pottery with colour on them. We thought we might try to make a '400' with shells and the Sea Glass and pottery but it was half hearted. Neither of us was inspired today. Not even the huts or the boats were inspiring. Most of the fishing gear is all wrapped up and tucked away. After such an abundance of colour yesterday everything seeemed muted and dull.

After a while Maeve and I wandered back down onto the beach and made our way along towards the car park then walked out into the sand of the boat channel and tried a few shots of floats lying on the sand (there is one with a tiny SP of me and you can see Maeve in it too). In the end I have chosen to post this shot of 'Valhalla VI' just floating in the calm at the outer edge of the channel through the rocks. It rather reflects the way I felt at the time !

Later there will be large plates of vegetable soup for dinner. I made a big pot this morning with lots of different vegetables and have put plenty of portions in the freezer for other dinners :-)

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