Fixing Things

Today was slightly less harried than yesterday.  Did not take a breather.  All I did was simply open less mail.

In the afternoon, went with AW for another hospital visit.  The reason is that the CAT scan taken a couple of months ago revealed an enlarged aorta, and the doctor wanted to know, logically, if it posed any immediate risk.  Our appointment today was with a specialist who looked so young we honestly thought he'd just finished secondary school.  He assured us that that was not the case as he had just turned 32.  I'm sure he's a hit with the ladies but we did not ask.  Using his expertise, he assured us that the aorta isn't anything to have a sleepless night about, but he did tell us that it is a good thing that we know that it is there.  AW's measured almost 3 cm., which is larger than the normal 2 cm., but still not as dangerous as 5 cm.  In short, there is still room, but of course we should also report any unusual pain or discomfort in certain areas.  AW has a new pill to swallow now, we have an expanding medicine cabinet.  The trick is to memorize correctly which one to take when.

Shot this inside the Amphia.  It's one of several posters of construction workers busy with the new hospital wings.

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