
By CallieJDH

Up hill and down dale

Another fabulous walk with the walking group this morning. 5.71 miles today, felt like 10 as there was a lot of steep muddy hills, steep muddy stiles and steep muddy paths. Yes it was muddy, at the corner of one field I trudged proudly straight through the middle of the thickest gloopiest mud whilst the others tiptoed tentatively (nice alliteration) around the edges. My pride was short lived however as my spotty boots have developed three large tears and are no longer fit for purpose. They expired doing something they loved so that's a comfort. Anyway we walked in sunshine marvelling all the way at the beautiful countryside we are lucky enough to live in and rewarded ourselves with coffee at a lovely cafe opposite the Guildhall in Lyme.
During the walk we passed a walking group coming in the other direction, we often wave at each other as we start off from the village hall, but they asked us this morning whether we have a name. We don't. Any ideas ?!

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