Visiting Friends at Levenwick

A cloudy morning, and then a sunny warm afternoon.  It's cloudy again this evening. 

I've been working at the Croft House Museum all.  There was a cruise ship in Lerwick, but I didn't see many.  With the quiet morning, I finished off building the peat stack.  A busier afternoon with visitors.  No rest today, a quick change after work and run off to work on the museum desk all night.  A busy night and over 50 booked for meals.  

I popped along friends Heather (Scollay) and Neil at lunchtime, I haven't seen them in ages.  Welcomed with a much needed mug of tea and a good catch up.  I also got some gooseberry cuttings from Heather.  Pictured here in their garden at Southpunds, Levenwick. 

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