meet Poppy!

Poppy is an 8 month old wallaby in our local zoo. Like a kangaroo, the babies stay in the pouch and nurse until they are about 10 months old. But Poppy popped out and started exploring a few days ago! Here she is taking the leap into the big wide world again. But this time, mom hopped away and Poppy couldn't find her (our zoo has a lot of "open air" exhibits). The vigilant caretakers coralled mom and lead her back to her distraught baby. Poppy dove back into the pouch and didn't leave again. See the extras for a shot of Poppy in the pouch.
Our zoo has been producing a lot of babies lately. Also in extras you will see a week old giraffe, a 2 day old orangutan being held by its mom (a little ear is visible) , and a new Mexican wolf mom of 6 pups. Unfortuately she moved the pups from the den yesterday and hid them, so I did not get to see her babies.
All in all, a fun day at the zoo!

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