Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

Hello Swanny

I needed to see if I could walk to messy play 5 miles away before 9:30 in the morning. The session isn't until tomorrow but I did the test run today. 3 hrs, wet socks, blisters, and a tearful L later we got home. Turns out google maps is not my friend and omitted some important lack of path info. I'd promised l the whole time that there would be a park to play on but after a couple of hrs she was begging for home.

We did find a park but it was wet. I felt so guilty that its taken us so long to get there that I sacrificed my cardigan and dried it all for her. She decided she wasn't bothered after all and got back in the buggy.

We did however see these guys. Made l happy which in turn made me happy. He had a buddy with him but this was the inquisitive one.

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