Nicola (and dog)

A lovely sunny day, and far too pleasant (and cold) to spend jogging. So I went up The Mound with the explicit intention of taking some interesting street portraits. A few inevitable missed opportunities later, I met a couple from Spain struggling to take a picture of themselves by pointing their camera back towards themselves at arm's length. I offered to do the shutter clicking for them and hope that minor Good Samaritan act came out OK. In anycase, I also took a few with my camera which I shall email over to them once they've popped out of the postprocessing machine.

Shortly afterwards I saw her playing with this puppy dog on the Royal Mile and thought it would make an interesting subject. She was also standing in a pool of light which helped to isolate her from the surroundings. The frivolities had finished by the time I approached her, but I'm still very pleased the dog sat to attention. I also keep meaning to try more full-body shots, so this is a pleasant change for me.

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