Just around the corner
I went for another dusk stroll today. It's all very exciting! I'd spent my day not doing work - I did my laundry, went to the supermarket, bought a biscuit tin, applied for a job, and done other such industrious things, and it was coming up to sunset again so I thought 'stuff study, I'm going for a walk'. So I did. And I took photos, including some of the same building as yesterday that I'm much happier with. But this is better for those of you who like to see new things, and not me trying the same shot over and over... :D
This is Elm Hill, originally in the poor area of Norwich, down by the Cathedral and the river. There used to be lots of streets like this, full of weavers and other crafters, but they were pulled down at some point when they weren't fashionable. This one was saved, and is now full of little boutique places and terrifying cobblestones. At the right is the Britons Arms, a very charming little tea shop and on the left is a craft shop. Beyond that, well that's up to your imagination.
After this I was trying for a photo of the Cathedral, just at the other end of this lane, but had to time it to between the cars shooting past. An older man decided to start giving me advice about the kind of tripod I (obviously) need, completely out of nowhere, and then proceeded to tell me all his opinions about why slavery isn't as bad as people make out because the British aren't the only ones to have done it. I think that's what he was saying. I was a little distracted by trying to find a way to politely get away. It's always me. No one else ever gets stopped by randoms with opinions to share, I must just have one of those faces. I have decided that the worst place is on the train - then you really don't have anywhere to escape to, unless you want to make impromptu alterations to your travel plans...
After that I lost the will to photograph, fearing he'd pop up behind me. But never fear, I shall persevere! Norwich shall be photographed like never before. Once I finish with the cliched shots anyway ;)
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